Apocalypse March 2024

Liam Mitchell
4 min readApr 10, 2024


See what I just read there? That went in one ear and out the other. I messed it up, I apologise. I couldn’t correct the error I had made. You might put it into your own words. You did not see me working on myself to get happiness, did you? This self-flagellating culture of, I’m so tired! I haven’t got any time! And it’s like okay, for what? What empire are you building? I don’t respect that. How can you see all this misery and pain people are going through because of bad economics and then you don’t say a thing? But in the face of hopelessness and loss of faith we are the trees that will not be swayed. But movement needs direction and ideal. Your capital is at risk. The more clearly you can see the future, the less agency you have to actually choose in the present. Things need to change, but what’s going to happen to all the people? The system is not fair. There is no one more innocent than you. Who are these people on my plane? Tell us about your holiday fridge magnets. Tell us: how did you afford your wedding? How has the climate crisis affected your relationships?

All these queer autistic whales, they’re influencing the children. Caught up in a fast-moving superpod of dusky dolphins continually penetrating each other at speed, regardless of the gender of their partner. Male orcas often leave family pods to rub their erections against each other’s bellies. It’s the fact of it! It goes against nature. The waters rise without any plot upon history, or even geography. Apparently, the institution of heteronormativity, adored by politicians and religious zealots alike, is so fragile that the mere sight of queer people unashamedly existing can cause it to collapse. Ghana is the latest state to suppress LGBTQ people, but the traditional culture they seek to protect was imposed by colonialism. When the majority of Ghana was Christianised, many tribal traditions and belief systems were deemed sinful, devil-worship or witchcraft. Why is it that this government only seems to favour the most violent and extreme of these views? Many have pointed out that persecution often relies on colonial-era laws, and that the recent surge in legislation comes as US evangelical groups have poured large sums into campaigning on the continent (1).

Is the life of forward motion finished? It can risk this deadening of feeling. Leaders fail to uphold laws. Arguing femininely. Do hair, drink water. Actually, this is dealable with. Whatever we do, we are supposed to do for the sake of making a living… From the standpoint of making a living, every activity unconnected with labour becomes a hobby. We will flog the women … we will stone them to death in public. Fascism’s a pageant. The US is reported to have made more than 100 weapons sales to Israel, including thousands of bombs, since the start of the war in Gaza, but the deliveries, reported to have included precision-guided munitions, small diameter bombs, bunker busters, small arms and other lethal aid, escaped congressional oversight because each transaction was under the dollar amount requiring approval. We continue to support Israel’s campaign to ensure that the attacks of 7 October cannot be repeated. We support Israel’s legitimate military campaign consistent with international humanitarian law. Sounds healthy. Sure would be!

In the real world, paranoid fantasies are most often a means of justifying preemptive atrocities. If we don’t kill them now, they’ll kill us later, is a staple of right-wing nationalist rhetoric because it lets you blame the victims for what they would have made you do to them if you hadn’t done it first. Sunak: Don’t let the extremists hijack your marches. You have a chance in the coming weeks to show that you can protest decently, peacefully and with empathy for your fellow citizens. Yes, you can march and protest with passion, you can demand the protection of civilian life. But no, you cannot call for violent jihad. I say this to the police: we will back you when you take action. The Labour leader appeared to back the prime minister’s message. Don’t worry. Comrade Starmer’s gonna bring back the social state. Project Hope, the hope is… A new mindset. Mission government. Growth pink, green energy green, NHS blue, policing yellow and opportunity purple. Well, forgive me for not being inspired. We will be giving you costed hope. Things can maybe stay more or less the same. The union flag has taken on an increasingly prominent role under Starmer as he seeks to emphasise Labour’s “patriotic” credentials to assert that the party has changed from the Jeremy Corbyn era. Jeremy Corbyn, a man who couldn’t kneecap someone even if it were in the national interest. We can and we will. Don’t listen when they say we’re all the same.

Teaching for tests. Centres of privilege. Local textbook loonybin. A survey from the Government regarding at work Mental Health. If like me it went into your junk then here is a copy for staff to fill in if interested. You have autonomy. I think it’s like pissing in the wind. Why do I believe what I believe? Oh yeah, I hear voices. The cause and the solution to most of my problems. Moral contamination. Purity, ablution. It’s a way of orienting your life as if you have divinity in you. This isn’t a popularity contest, it’s not the moral Olympics, and it’s not church. Sleep theft. The lifeless rigidity of a mechanistic worldview. It makes you fucking wonder why you tried. Homogeneity in a diverse world is uncanny. How tedious this human inability to accept a state of affairs, and plunge into life! Where does one see oneself in fifty years? Literally any scenario is possible, Tusk said. I know it sounds devastating, especially to people of the younger generation, but we have to mentally get used to the arrival of a new era. The prewar era. But people’s interests are set, the discourse is just for show. We’re waiting to see how it all shakes out, the big calculus.

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(1) Elliot Kwabena Akosa

